Machine Learning

Is a robot uprising taking place?

Is a robot uprising taking place?

The short answer is no.

The long answer is…

Machine Learning Technology

.NET-Core GoogleCloudMlV1PredictRequest Execture Method Returns null Response

Execute GoogleCloudMlV1PredictRequest gives a GoogleApiHttpBody object that has null fields

While creating a .NET-Core MVC API to interact with my Google Cloud ml-engine model, I came across a strange issue. For testing purposes, I used Google’s Census example to get up to speed and make sure what I wanted to do works.

Machine Learning Technology

The Basics of Machine Learning

Today, my brother-in-law asked me about machine learning and where it’s going. I’ve been really interested in the field lately, so I wrote a message to illustrate some of the basics. I decided I would post it on here for anyone else who might be interested in learning a bit more. Let me know your thoughts, questions, and any points I might have gone wrong too!