
Why You Aren’t Actually a Hopeless Romantic

Are you incorrectly identifying yourself as a hopeless romantic?

I was talking to a friend who identified herself as a hopeless romantic. This immediately rang false to me because she is very positive, and takes responsibility for her life. Hopeless romanticism has always struck me with a negative vibe. Subscribing to a belief without actually believing in it. Like someone who takes vitamins everyday but doesn’t actually believe they do anything. Going through the motions and cynically subscribing to something because it is either easier or fashionable. It makes you into a kind of martyr, which is a way to self identify, but not a healthy one.


Are GUIDs actually unique?


This could potentially be the shortest blog post ever written, and the short mathematically accurate answer is “no”. A GUID (globally unique identifier) is a 32 character sequence of  alphanumeric (letters or numbers). They are useful to developers because, in theory when generated, no GUID like this has been generated before, nor will another be generated again.